Workflow pluraleyes 4 to avid
Workflow pluraleyes 4 to avid

To the goodly Avid people: is there anything in the works that will allow us a simple Multigroup option that accounts for all clips on all video tracks in a sequence, honours their place on the sync map and will then put them into one easy-to-use group clip? I have to think this is possible.

workflow pluraleyes 4 to avid

With many cameras running at once becoming the new norm, an efficient solution to managing this ought to become the new norm. There has to be an easier way to do this. Also, the audio is recorded separately, so doing a match frame to video in the hopes of getting the audio with it is a pipe dream. Every single cut involves making edits on the pertinent video track, clicking and dragging it to the top empty video layer and removing the PIP. Which means that every single clip on every single video track has a PIP effect put on it, resized and repositioned so we can see what we're looking at. (We tried this with a different scene and ended up with 63 group clips.) Spend hours and hours making individual group clips.Ĭons: It takes hours and hours to do and, since a scene might take an entire day to shoot, you end up with dozens and dozens of clips.

workflow pluraleyes 4 to avid

Even if the audio issue and the duplicate footage issues were resolved, the sheer inefficiency of it makes it a very undesirable route to take.Ģ.

workflow pluraleyes 4 to avid

Problem is we have mixed formats, so some audio comes in at 48K, while other audio comes in at 8K, etc. Often times when we get footage ingested at low-rez, it brings in the audio that way, too. On top of this, clips with different audio sample rates can't be added to the group. It took me over an hour to complete, required the creation of 638 subclips and the final MultiGroup was nearly an hour and a half in length. As an example, I just ran a test with a 51 minute sequence.

workflow pluraleyes 4 to avid

Spend hours and hours building a MultiGroup.Ĭons: It takes hours and hours to do and is unreliable, with a lot of duplicate footage popping up. So when we get it all ingested and a sync map laid out, we have this massive checkerboard of a timeline with some video tracks having dozens of clips on them with breaks in between. Or we might have someone only shooting particular shots, so they're mainly inactive. I work on a few series that shoot with several cameras (including lock-offs, we sometimes get up to 15.) During the course of a, say, 2 hour shooting block, the camera operators will constantly be stopping and starting their cameras-either to save recording space, battery or to change battery or tapes. Anybody here who's worked on a show with multiple cameras with multiple stop/starts knows where this is going.

Workflow pluraleyes 4 to avid